Special Roles

These roles are usually not used in season games and are not part of the rule book. This includes removed roles, mini wolves roles, joke roles, and more.
If variant roles are used in a game on the main server this is always announced as a rule change in advance.

Click a role card for more information!


These roles used to be part of the primary rule book but have been removed due to being to unbalanced/volatile/chaotic. Occassionally some of them might be temporarily brought back.

**Burglar** | Unaligned Killing | Variant
The Burglar wins if a thief attempts to switch with them.
If a thief attempts to switch with the Burglar, the Burglar ascends and wins. When that happens, the thief that attempted to switch with the Burglar is killed by the Burglar.
If there are no living thiefs, the burglar will descend and lose.

Special Roles
**Corpse** | Solo Miscellaneous - Graveyard Team | Variant
The Corpse wins with the zombie and joins a channel with the zombie to communicate securely. If no zombies are left, the Corpse becomes a zombie.
The Corpse does not have any special abilities. If there are no zombies left, the Corpse becomes a zombie.
The Corpse wins when all players are either dead or part of the graveyard team.
Corpses are part of the graveyard channel and know the other Corpses and zombies.

Special Roles
Last Living Citizen
**Last Living Citizen** | Solo Killing - Townsfolk Team | Variant
The Last Living Citizen can only be in the game when there is no townfolk team. Instead the Last Living Citizen represents the entire townsfolk team.
Each night the Last Living Citizen may select three townsfolk roles and will be able to use that role's abilities for the rest of the night and the following day. The Last Living Citizen can both use active and passive abilities. They may not select the same role twice in one night. If limitations apply to a role (e.g. three kills for assassin), they still apply for the Last Living Citizen (they may select Assassin as many times as they want, but can only attack three times).
When elected as Last Living Citizen the player loses their previous roles and secret channels and becomes the Last Living Citizen instead.
If there are several Last Living Citizens they work together. If there are other townsfolk-aligned players, they can win together with the Last Living Citizen.
Use `$i town` to get an overview of what town roles exist.

Special Roles
**Look-Alike** | Unaligned Align | Variant
The Look-Alike copies the role of another player during Night 1.
During Night 1, the Look-Alike must choose one other player. All data, including whether they are enchanted or not, demonized, in love, etc, is copied. If the Look-Alike does not copy a player in time, a target will be randomly selected for them.
The Look-Alike may not copy themself. Choosing a player to copy is an immediate ability.
The target is not told they have been copied by the Look-Alike. This means that if the Look-Alike copies a wolf, they will join the wolf ranks, but the werewolves will not be told who has been copied; it could be that they copied the white werewolf, after all. After using their ability the Look-Alike is no longer unaligned (unless they copied an unaligned player).
Some Look-Alike special cases can be seen under `$i la cases`.

Special Roles
**Thief** | Unaligned Align | Variant
Each night, the Thief chooses one player to switch roles with.
When they switch with a player, they become that player's role, and the other player becomes the Thief. Role specific disguises are also switched.
Selecting a player to switch with is an immediate effect, but switching roles is an end night action and happens after any other end night actions such as night kills. The Thief can switch with a dead player, if the player was alive when they selected them.
When switching with another player, all their channels are switched. Effects such as being powdered are not swapped. Effects are kept after switching, even if a player's new role cannot have that effect. In those cases the effect becomes dormant and does nothing; it will become active again if the player once again switches role.
If the Thief does not select a target, a random player is chosen. Each Thief may only select players that have never been that thief before.
The Thief wins if they are still alive at the end of the game or alternatively if there's no or only Unaligned players left to select, the Thief immediately ascends and wins. This can happen immediately after selecting a player.
The Thief's ability is more powerful than any other mechanic (even more powerful than those that claim they are the most powerful). If a Thief switches with a member of Hell, the current member of Hell betrays their team and becomes a Thief. Effectively the Thief changes the player behind the role, so if a demon switches with a thief, the demon doesn't truly betray the hell team - just the player behind the demon has changed.
If the Thief switches with a member of a cupid couple, that member betrays the couple to become a thief and the former thief joins the couple instead.
The Thief is not affected by redirections.

Special Roles
**Zombie** | Solo Power - Graveyard Team | Variant
Each night, the Zombie may bite another player. If a player is bitten two nights in a row, they become a Zombie.
When a Zombie bites another player they become “bitten“. The bitten player does not know about this. If a Zombie bites a player the night after they were already bitten, they immediately become a Zombie.
Biting is an immediate effect.
If a Zombie dies, every other Zombie that has been turned by the dying Zombie also dies.
The Zombies win when all players are either dead or part of the graveyard team.
Zombies are part of the graveyard channel and know the other Zombies and corpses.
Zombies may bite other members of the graveyard channel.

When a player turns into a Zombie, they betray their team and join the graveyard channel. They may not immediately bite another player.
They lose their previous role, but if they were part of a group like the wolfpack, they will remain in the channel and will still be able to vote (though internally their vote won't be counted) as long as at least one other member of their group is still alive.
If all members of a group have changed role or died, the group is disbanded and any abilities it may have had are lost.
__Edge Cases__
If a Zombie changes their role, they will no longer die when its creator Zombie dies, nor will it cause the death of Zombies it has created (neither immediately, nor when it dies).
If a Zombie tries to turn a member of the hell team (second bite), their power backfires, and instead the Zombie becomes an imp. Since members of hell can't be turned into Zombies, they may be bitten for a “second“ time several times.

Special Roles
Zombified Cupid
**Zombified Cupid** | Unaligned Align | Transformation
The Zombified Cupid is a cupid that has been bitten twice by a zombie.
Instead of turning into a zombie, the cupid turns into a Zombified Cupid.
The Zombified Cupid works like the cupid, with one exception: they are part of the graveyard group.
The Zombified Cupid is nonaligned, unless they have gained an alignment from their lover.

Special Roles

Mini Wolves

These roles are used on Mini Wolves, but not on the primary server.

**Acrobat** | Townsfolk Miscellaneous | Mini
Twice per game, if attacked by a wolfish player, the Acrobat shall escape.
When they are attacked by a wolfish player, the Acrobat will not die.
If a Acrobat is targeted by any attack other than by a wolfish player's attack, they will die the first time.
Acrobats are informed that they were attacked. If a Acrobat evades a wolfpack attack, the wolfpack is told their target ran away. If a Acrobat evades any other attack, the wolfish player responsible is informed instead.

Special Roles
**Apprentice** | Unaligned Align | Mini
On the first death or attack, the Apprentice will pick up the role of whoever is attacked.
The Apprentice will stay as an Apprentice until someone is either attacked or killed, thereafter they will pick up the role of the dead, and join the team they were on.
If multiple people are attacked or killed at the same time, killed players have priority over attacked players. But in the event of a tie, the Apprentice will choose a random role from the attacked / dead people, but it will not be revealed who the role came from.
Picking up another player's role is an immediate ability.

Special Roles
Blessed Wolf
**Blessed Wolf** | Werewolf Miscellaneous | Mini
The Blessed Wolf will be protected from any night attacks to target them and will be informed how they were attacked.
The Blessed Wolf will escape unharmed from any attacks to target it at night. They are also informed what role they were attacked by.
If a Blessed Wolf evades an attack, the attacker is told it was due to their target being blessed.
If the Blessed Wolf is attacked several times in one night, they learn the role of each attack.

**Note:** Due to technical limitations Blessed Wolf does not start out as a pack member, even though it should be part of the pack. Notify Hosts to add you to pack if Hosts forget to manually add you.

Special Roles
**Grandpa** | Townsfolk Power | Mini
Each night, the Grandpa may choose one player. The next day, these selected player loses their vote.
Removing a player's vote is an immediate ability. If they still vote, their vote simply isn’t counted towards the final result.
If the Grandpa selects a player with several votes (e.g. Mayor or Grandma), they only lose 1 of their votes, but keep the others.
Players with negative votes or no votes can't have their negative votes stolen (and the Grandpa is informed). The Mayors extra vote cannot be stolen.
The Grandpa may select themself. The Grandpa is affected by redirections.

Special Roles
**Hunter** | Townsfolk Killing | Mini
The Hunter may choose one player to attack during the night. It can do so once per game.
The Hunter may only attack a total of 1 time throughout a game. The Hunter’s attack is an end-night ability.

Special Roles
Ice King
**Ice King** | Solo Investigative - Ice Royal | Mini
Each night the Ice King can investigate a certain number of players each night by guessing their true roles, for each correct guess that player is frozen.
If all living players are either frozen, unaligned or a member of the ice royals, the ice royals wins.
For every 5 players, rounded, the Ice King can attepmt to guess one player's true role.
If the Ice King guesses the correct role then they recieve a 'Correct' result and freezes the player.
If the Ice King guesses the wrong role then they recieve a 'Incorrect' result.
The investigation is immediate and is not affected by by disguises or redirections.
Frozen players are roleblocked for the duration.
If no members of the ice royals remain, all players stop being frozen: they are not informed of this.

There can only be one Ice King at any point.
If a Ice King loses their role, they will lose their ability to investigate players. Role changes are not revealed to the other ice royals.

Special Roles
Ice Prince
**Ice Prince** | Solo Miscellaneous - Ice Royal | Mini
The Ice Prince wins with the ice king. It joins a channel with the ice king to communicate securely.
The Ice Prince occurs in place of a second ice king.
If a player attempts to copy the ice king they will become an Ice Prince.
If there is no ice king left the Ice Prince will become one.

Special Roles
Master Barber
**Master Barber** | Townsfolk Killing | Mini
Once per game, the Master Barber may choose to immediately attack one player during the day. Unlike the Barber, they can do so during Day 1.
At any time during the day, the Master Barber may once attack another player.
The Master Barber also chooses whether they want to be revealed or not. If they choose to be revealed both their role and name is announced, otherwise neither is.
The Master Barber’s attack is an immediate ability. If the Master Barber's attack fails, they are not revealed.

Special Roles
**Neighbor** | Townsfolk Miscellaneous | Mini
The Neighbor receives a list of three players at the start of the game. At least one of those players is part of the townsfolk team.
The info given is not under the influence of any other powers. It is possible that more than one of the three players is part of the townsfolk team.

Special Roles
Royal Guard
**Royal Guard** | Townsfolk Power | Mini
The Royal Guard may cancel a lynch. Unlike the Royal Knight, the Royal Guard may do so during Day 1, and as many times as they want.
The Royal Guard may cancel the lynch at any time of day or night, and it will apply to the current or upcoming lynch. If there are several lynches, the Royal Guard may choose any number of them, and which specific ones.
Cancelling the lynch is an immediate ability. However, the fact that the lynch has been cancelled will only be revealed at the end of the day.
The Royal Guard also chooses whether they want to be revealed or not. If they choose to be revealed, both their role and name are announced: otherwise, neither is.

Special Roles
**Sorceress** | Townsfolk Power | Mini
The Sorceress chooses one person each day. If the target is a Townsfolk roles, the target can do their ability twice next time they do their ability.
The Sorceress's ability only affects Townsfolk roles. If used on a member of the werewolf team, the Sorceress loses her ability for the rest of the game. If used on a Solo or Unaligned, nothing happens.
The Sorceress is an end-day ability. They will be notified if it was successful or if they lost their powers. The target will be notified that they were targeted by a Sorceress, even if they are not a Townsfolk role.
The Sorceress ability does not affect other Sorceresses or roles without a repeatable action (such as Hooker).

Special Roles
Wild Child
**Wild Child** | Townsfolk Miscellaneous | Mini
The Wild Child is a young impressionable member of the townsfolk. At the first night, they must choose a role model. If their role model dies, at the start of the next phase they will become a Wolf and member of the wolfpack.
If the Wild Child fails to choose a role model, a random one is selected for them. They may not select themself.
Choosing a role model is an immediate action.
Their alignment is town for as long as their role model is alive.

Special Roles


These roles have been deleted from the role book.

Click a role card for more information!

**Bard** | Townsfolk Miscellaneous | Archived
Throughout the game, all abilities used on the Bard will be narrated to everyone in story time.
All abilities used throughout a phase are narrated at the end of the phase. If the Bard changes roles, abilities are no longer narrated, however the role change is still narrated.
The narrated info only reveals the ability type and not the role who used the ability. Further details are also not revealed (e.g. if a tanner disguises the Bard, it is narrated that the Bard was disguised, however the applied disguise is not revealed, nor is which role disguised the Bard).
The following general ability types exist for Bard: “attacked”, “investigated”, “disguised”, “killed”, “targeted”, “protected”, “manipulated” and “changed role”. Abilities that do not fall under one of these categories (e.g. Flute Player's enchant or Hooker's sleeping) are directly revealed.
Abilities used on the Bard while they are dead are not narrated.
Lynches and Elections are not narrated.

**Bat** | Solo Recruitment - Underworld Team | Archived
Each night, the Bat haunts another player. The Bat will not be killed by attacks targetting them, but will be affected by those taking place at their target’s house.
Any player that interacts with the Bat's target while the Bat is visiting becomes demonized.
Since the Bat is haunting another player's house and not at home, any attack targeting the Bat will fail; however if the person they're haunting is attacked, then they're both attached.
Choosing a player to haunt is an end day ability, and the Bat will stay with their target the whole night
Additionally, any player that uses an ability on the haunted player will be demonized, and the Bat will be told their name.
If the Bat is haunting another player while being protected from attacks, the protection is ignored; only protections for the player they are haunting apply.
The Bat is part of the Underworld team and channel. The Bat is demonized from the start of the game and may be turned into an undead.

**Bear** | Unaligned Miscellaneous | Archived
The Bear is not hostile unless visited. If it's visited it will attack the visitors. The Bear wins by attacking two people.
Visiting a Bear will not cause your action to fail, however it will result in the bear attacking you. The bear does not consider targetting actions as visits, but any other kind of power or attack does count.
The Bear's attack is immediate.
The Bear is invulnerable to night attacks.
When the Bear wins, it ascends and stops playing. The game continues.

**Cerberus** | Solo Power - Hell Team | Archived
The Cerberus wins with the devil and joins a channel with the devil to communicate securely.
The Cerberus can choose every day to send an offer of protection to another player in exchange for their soul.
During the first phase, the Cerberus may choose a role as a weak disguise (defaults to citizen).

At the start of the game the Cerberus’ soul is added to the hell team’s pool of souls, and they are soulless afterwards.
The Cerberus cannot use souls from the soul pool.

The Cerberus can't send the offer to soulless players or to a player that is receiving the devil's wager the same night. The offer is sent at the start of the night. The offer cannot be redirected onto another player.
The Cerberus can anonymously communicate with the recipient.
The recipient may accept or ignore the offer. Accepting the offer, immediately adds the recipient's soul to the soul pool, and cannot be changed.
Should the recipient be attacked and die after accepting the offer, the role and identity of the attacker is revealed in the Hell team’s channel and the Cerberus will attack them. The Cerberus will then die in place of the recipient.

Members of the Hell team cannot betray the team in any way. Any attempts at conversion of a member will fail in some manner.

If the Cerberus is the last living member of the Hell team/channel, they turn into a demon. The disguise is kept when this happens.

Cult Acolyte
**Cult Acolyte** | Townsfolk Group | Archived
The Cult Acolyte acts as a cult member, with some exceptions: the night after the Cult Acolyte dies, the cult gains an additional attack. Should the cult leader die, the Cult Acolyte becomes the new cult leader.
The Cult Acolyte is part of the cult. After Night 1, the cult can attack one player each night. When the cult leader dies, the Cult Acolyte becomes the new cult leader at the start of the next night. If there are several Cult Acolytes, an arbitrary one becomes the new leader.
The cult decides their victims by voting on whom they suspect most. The cult’s attack is an end-night ability.
Any member of the cult, who no longer has their original role, can still vote on who to attack.
A Cult Acolyte losing their role does not cause an additional poll.

**Golem** | Unaligned Miscellaneous | Archived
If the Golem is elected guardian, they win. The next night, players that opposed the Golem's election will be protected. Additionally, there will cease to be elections for guardian.
When the Golem wins, the Golem ascends and stops playing. The game continues.
The next night, everyone that didn't vote for the Golem will be protected from attacks. Additionally, there will cease to be elections for guardian.
Each night, the Golem may choose one player, and they will be protected from attacks (end-night).
The Golem can only select each player once throughout the game.
Additionally, each night, the Golem must choose a player that they will not be able to select for the rest of the game (Immediate). This must be a currently selectable player. If no player is selected, a random one will be selected instead.
Any attack against a player protected by the Golem's ability or election fails, however a protected player may still die through other means.

Gray Werewolf
**Gray Werewolf** | Solo Killing - White Wolves Team | Archived
The Gray Werewolf is a werewolf who is not satisfied with merely killing the townsfolk; they must kill all the werewolves as well.
On even numbered nights, the Gray Werewolf may attack a member of the wolfpack.
The Gray Werewolf is similar to the White Werewolf. A difference is that the Gray Werewolf can also win while one other player is alive.
The Gray Werewolf wins when the only remaining players are the Gray Werewolf and optionally another player. The other player also wins, however the rest of their team does not.
Unlike the White Werewolf, the Gray Werewolf does not have a disguise.
Attacking a member of the wolfpack is an end effect.
If only werewolves and the Gray Werewolf are left alive, the game will continue until either all werewolves are dead or the Gray Werewolf is dead.
The Gray Werewolf is not part of the werewolf team, but is still considered a lycan and is part of the wolfpack.

**Hellhound** | Werewolf Group | Archived
There is always more than one Hellhound. All the Hellhounds have a secret channel where they can communicate with the other Hellhounds securely.
Hellhounds are the werewolf version of bakers.
These werewolves know from each other that they are Hellhounds, and they can use and share this information in their battle against the white werewolf.
Sometimes it is, and sometimes it is not, in the interest of the werewolf team to immediately inform the rest of the werewolves that they are Hellhounds.
If a Hellhound betrays the group in any way (by changing alignment or role) the Hellhounds are immediately disbanded.

Herding Dog
**Herding Dog** | Solo Power - Flock Team | Archived
The Herding Dog wins with the shepherd and joins a channel with the shepherd to communicate securely.
Similar to the shepherd the Herding Dog can communicate with herded players securely and anonymously, but can only communicate with one player each night in this way.
Additionaly they can also infiltrate the Herded channel in place of another player being herded.
Each night the Herding Dog can choose a herded player and add them to a seperate channel to anonymously communicate with them.
The Herding Dog can be herded by the shepherd, they can also choose to leave the herd at any point.

If the shepherd dies the Herding Dog can additionally herd a player each night.

The Herding Dog will work together with the shepherd and any other Herding Dogs, they will all be part of a flock channel where they can communicate securely.
If the Herding Dog loses their role, they will lose their abilities, they will remain herded if they are herded when losing their role. Role changes are not revealed to the other Flock Team members.

Ice Queen
**Ice Queen** | Solo Power - Ice Royals Team | Archived
Each night, the Ice Queen can submit the role of one player, and if that guess is correct, the Ice Queen is able to use the guessed player’s ability on the next day.
Each night, the Ice Queen guesses the role of one player. If the guess is correct and the player has an ability, the Ice Queen is able to use this ability during the next day.
If the guessed player has a night ability, then an end-night ability become end-day ability for the Ice Queen, and immediate night ability become an immediate day ability.
Day ability stay the same, and passive or permanent abilities can also be used by the Ice Queen. At the end of the day, the ability is removed.
After correctly guessing a player, the same player can’t be guessed again. For a list of abilities the Ice Queen can use, look at the edge case sheet.
If the Ice Queen can’t use the ability of the guessed player, the guess is simply confirmed and nothing else happens.
The Ice Queen is an ice royal, knows the other ice royals and works together with them. The ice royals win when all players, except the ice royals, are frozen or dead.

**Imp** | Solo Miscellaneous - Hell Team | Transformation
The Imp wins with the devil. It joins a channel with the devil to communicate securely.
Any case of a second devil or cerberus occuring causes the player who would have become a devil or cerberus to become an Imp.
The Imp's win condition is the same as that of the devil. When the Imp is created, its soul is added to the hell team's soul pool. The Imp then becomes soulless.
Imps cannot use souls, but can be automatically protected on attack if there are souls in the hell team's soul pool.

Members of the Hell team cannot betray the team in any way. Any attempts at conversion of a member will fail in some manner.

Packless Wolf
**Packless Wolf** | Werewolf Miscellaneous | Archived
The Packless Wolf has no ability and only joins the wolfpack if no members of the wolfpack are left.
The Packless Wolf is a member of the werewolf team, that is not part of the wolfpack.
Once all members of the wolfpack, which includes white werewolves and werewolves, that have lost their role, are dead all Packless Wolves join the wolfpack.
If the last member of the wolfpack dies, but a player with a role such as Lone Wolf joins the wolfpack immediately, the Packless Wolf does not join the wolfpack.
Packless Wolves are usually cursed civilians, that have been turned by a werewolf attack.

**Reaper** | Solo Killing - Nightmare Team | Archived
The Reaper wins when all players are dead, unaligned, nightmare-aligned or sleepless.
For each player that dies, the Reaper may use a power to turn another player sleepless.
The Reaper shares a channel with other members of the nightmare team.

At the start of every night, the Reaper will be informed of which powers they may use that night. These powers correspond to the role categories of the players who have died since the start of the previous night.
For each *Killing* role that has died, the Reaper may turn one player sleepless and attack them.
For each *Investigative* role that has died, the Reaper may turn one player sleepless and investigate their role.
For each *Power* role that has died, the Reaper may turn one player sleepless and nullify their public voting power for as long as that player is sleepless.
For all other roles that have died, the Reaper may turn one player sleepless. These abilities are all immediate abilities.

The Reaper is not told which role category the dead players belonged to: they are only informed of which powers (kills, investigations, vote nulifications, and basic powers) are available to them. If the Reaper chooses not to use one of their powers during the night, they lose that instance of the power.

Sleepless players are not informed of their being sleepless: however, if a sleepless player uses an ability other than targeting on the Reaper, their ability fails and the Reaper immediately attacks them.

The Reaper is affected by all disguises and redirections when using their powers. They gain powers solely based on the true roles of those who have died.

If no members of the nightmare team or channel remain, the sleepless effect is silently removed from all players.

Rogue Wolf
**Rogue Wolf** | Townsfolk Killing | Archived
The Rogue Wolf is a lycan who decries the behaviour of the other wolves and seeks to eliminate them. The Rogue Wolf may attack a player on nights after a successful wolfpack kill.
The Rogue Wolf is not a member of the werewolf team or wolfpack, and doesn't know the other werewolves. However, they are still a lycan.
Each night the Rogue Wolf learns if the wolfpack successfully executed a kill the previous night or not. If they did, the Rogue Wolf may themselves attack a player during the night.
The Rogue Wolf is strongly disguised as an arbitrary most common role in the wolfpack, excluding those with permanent or semi-permanent disguises.
Attacking a player is an end-night ability.

**Shepherd** | Solo Power - Flock Team | Archived
Each night, the Shepherd may herd a certain amount of players.
If all living players are herded, unaligned or part of the Flock team/channel Members the Flock Team wins.
Whenever a player is herded by the Shepherd they are added to the herded channel, here the Shepherd can anonymously talk with herded players.
All herded players have 0 voting power on public polls.
At night, herded players cannot be attacked once, instead they will become unherded and regain their vote the next day, when this happens the Shepherd is informed who got unherded.
Herded players are informed they are herded.
Whenever a herded player attempts to attack the Shepherd, the attack fails.
Additionally the Shepherd can unherd players during the day, in exchange the Shepherd can add invisible votes to another player equal to the amount of players unherded.

The Shepherd is able to herd 1 player for every 15 players in the game (rounded; this means ≤22 ⇒ 1 herding, >22 ⇒ 2 herdings). They may not herd a member of the flock team or channel.
The amount of players used is the amount of players that are apart of the game, not alive players.

The Shepherd will work together with any herding dogs, they will all be part of a flock channel where they can communicate securely.
If the Shepherd loses their role, they will lose their ability to herd players. Role changes are not revealed to the other Flock Team members.

If no members of the flock team or channel remain all players are no longer herded, however they are not informed about this.

Spectral Cupid
**Spectral Cupid** | Unaligned Align | Archived
The Spectral Cupid is a cupid that has been recruited onto the nightmare team.
Instead of turning into a spirit, the cupid turns into an Spectral Cupid.
The Spectral Cupid works like the cupid, with one exception: they are part of the nightmare group.
The Spectral Cupid is nonaligned, unless they have gained an alignment from their lover.

**Spirit** | Solo Miscellaneous - Nightmare Team | Archived
The Spirit is a part of the reaper’s secret army and pretends to be their old role. When the reaper uses an align power on a player, they become a Spirit.
The Spirit wins together with the reaper.
A player converted into a Spirit loses their previous role. However, if they were a member of a group channel, they will remain as such and will still be able to vote if applicable (though their vote will not count).
If all members of a group have changed role or died, the group is disbanded and any abilities it may have had are lost.

**Swindler** | Unaligned Miscellaneous | Archived
The Swindler's goal is to use deception in order to deprive players of their votes. They can swindle one person into losing the value of their voting ballot each night.
When a third of all currently living players have been swindled, the Swindler wins and ascends. After the Swindler wins, the votes are slowly returned - one per night - in the same order they were stolen in. However if they die, the votes are immediately returned instead.
Each night, the Swindler can swindle one player. This is an immediate ability.
The target will have their voting ballot swapped for one with a voting power of 0, however the Mayor will retain their additional vote. If the target's voting value is updated after being swindled, the Swindler overrides it and it stays 0.
A Swindler may select themself. Swindling someone does not add the target's vote to the Swindlers own voting power.
When 1/3 of all currently living players (rounded up), including the Swindler, have all been swindled, they ascend and stop playing. The game continues. The Swindler can’t win when they are dead.
If the Swindler dies, all the swindled votes are immediately returned. However if the Swindler wins, one vote will be returned each night after their ascension, in the order they were swindled. For example, at the start of the first night after the Swindler's ascension, the first swindled vote is returned and so on.

Trickster Wolf
**Trickster Wolf** | Werewolf Miscellaneous | Transformation
On all polls, the Trickster Wolf's vote is counted as negative one.
When the Trickster Wolf votes on public or private polls, their vote is counted with the value -1.
If the Trickster Wolf becomes Mayor, their vote is counted as -2. Results of players that receive 0 or fewer votes are not displayed.
If the Trickster Wolf is the last remaining member of the wolfpack, they turn into a regular wolf and regain their votes.

Unemployed Chef
**Unemployed Chef** | Unaligned Miscellaneous | Archive
The Unemployed Chef can use their charmed food to protect one player each night. The Unemployed Chef wins if they are alive at the end of the game, and at least one waiter remains.
Protecting a player is an immediate night effect. A protected player is invulnerable from night attacks for the current night. After the night ends, the effect of the charmed food disappears.
Once a player has received charmed food, they can no longer be protected.
Each game has a certain amount of players that are “waiters” - one from the townsfolk team, one from the werewolf team, and one from each solo team. Waiters are not informed about this, nor does it affect their win condition or ability. The waiters are on different teams. The Unemployed Chef wins, if at least one waiter, and the Unemployed Chef themself are alive when the game ends. The Unemployed Chef is able to win with any team, even if that teams win condition is to kill all others.
If a new solo team is created during the game, they do not gain a waiter.
When the last waiter dies, the Unemployed Chef stops playing, descends and loses.
The Unemployed Chef may not protect themself.

**Wraith** | Solo Killing - Nightmare Team | Archived
The Wraith wins with the reaper and joins a channel with the reaper to communicate securely.
At night, the Wraith may turn a player sleepless.
Each night, the Wraith may immediately turn one player sleepless. If somebody tries to copy the reaper, they become a Wraith instead.
When a sleepless player uses a power other than targeting on the Wraith, their power fails and the Wraith immediately attacks them.
