
Unaligned roles can, by default, win with any other team. Some may maintain this status throughout the game (nonaligned roles): others can develop alignments, preventing them from winning with certain teams.

Click a role card for more information!

Unaligned Miscellaneous

'Unaligned Miscellaneous' are those unaligned roles that do not fit any other category.

Riding Hood
**Riding Hood** | Unaligned Miscellaneous
The Riding Hood wins when they are killed by a wolfish player.
When the Riding Hood wins, the Riding Hood ascends and stops playing. The game continues.
The Riding Hood will win if they are killed by a wolfish player. If the Riding Hood is killed in another way, they lose. If the Riding Hood is protected they neither die nor ascend.
When the Riding Hood is killed by the wolfpack, the wolfpack may not attack *anyone* the following night.
When the Riding Hood ascends, the wolfish player responsible will be *ability blocked* the for following day and night.
If no wolfish players remain, the Riding Hood stops playing, descends and loses.
The Riding Hood is nonaligned.

**None** | Unaligned Miscellaneous | Technical
The main goal for the None is to ping the Game Masters, so they realize they forgot to assign a role to the None. After night 1, the None may choose a Game Master to kill each night.
The None is a rare role that is theoretically possible to gain, but should seldom appear in games, since it is only obtainable via the bot being broken, or the Game Masters forgetting to assign a role.
The None can win with any team except the wolves, even if their win condition is to kill all others.
Killing a Game Master is an end effect.


Unaligned Power

'Unaligned Power' are those unaligned roles that have an active power that does not qualify for the Unaligned Investigative, Unaligned Align or Unaligned Killing categories.

**Despot** | Unaligned Power
If the Despot is elected, they win. The next day, the election will be cancelled.
When the Despot wins, the Despot ascends and stops playing. The game continues.
The Despot may strongly disguise themself as any role. The disguise is applied immediately. They can update this disguise once per phase, with 1 emergency change to be used whenever the Despot wants to. If the Despot changes role, the disguise is lost.
The Despot is nonaligned.


Unaligned Investigative

'Unaligned Investigative' are those unaligned roles that can actively investigate.

**Psychopath** | Unaligned Investigative
At the start of the game, the Psychopath is given a list with one third of the game's players, rounded up, on it. If all players on the list are dead, and the Psychopath is still alive, the Psychopath wins.
When the Psychopath wins, the Psychopath ascends and stops playing. The game continues. The Psychopath can’t win when they are dead.
The Psychopath's list will always contain at least one player from every team that has at least two players. Which players are on the list is determined arbitrarily.
The Psychopath may strongly disguise themself as any role. The disguise is applied immediately. They can update this disguise once per phase, with 1 emergency change to be used whenever the Psychopath wants to. If the Psychopath changes role, the disguise is lost.
Additionally, the Psychopath may choose to either investigate or weakly disguise a player each day, but not both. Their investigation is affected by all disguises and redirections. Their disguise lasts for the current and following phase.
The Psychopath is nonaligned.

**Detective** | Unaligned Investigative | Limited
During the day, the Detective compiles information on other players. At night, they try to solve the mystery by guessing the contents of the role list. If their guess is correct, the Detective wins.
Each day, the Detective has to choose between guessing one player's current role or learning the final role of a dead player. If they guess a player's current role correctly, it is confirmed. The Detective is not affected by any disguises, obstructions, or redirections.
Each night, the Detective must try to submit the contents (players and their roles) of the entire starting role configuration in their secret channel. If their guess is correct, they ascend and win the game. If their guess is wrong, they are informed how many guesses (but not which ones) were correct. The Detective may submit a partial configuration, but only a complete configuration can let them ascend.
In games with a partial or private role list, the Detective may receive a role list similar to that of the knowledgeable wolf at the start of the game.

**Rival** | Unaligned Investigative | Limited Transformation
The Rival can only win when there are no other Rivals left in the game.
Every night after Night 1, the Rival can investigate a player. They will learn both their role and whether the investigation was affected by another power.
The Rival can only exist with another rival in the game. The Rival ascends when all other Rivals have died.
Every night after Night 1, the Rival can investigate a player and will learn their role.
The Rival is affected by weak disguises and redirections. They are told specifically if an investigation was affected by a disguise, an obstruction, or a redirection - if it was unaffected, they are informed of this too.
If the win condition of the Rival changes in any way, they do not require the other Rival to die.
If the win condition or role of another Rival changes in any way, the Rival still requires any other (original) Rivals to die.
The Rival is nonaligned.


Unaligned Killing

'Unaligned Killing' are those unaligned roles that have the ability to kill/attack/lynch.

**Angel** | Unaligned Killing
The Angel wins when they are lynched.
When the Angel wins, the Angel ascends and stops playing. The game continues. In addition, the following lynch will be cancelled (applies to only one lynch).
The Angel may select a player. If this player has voted for the Angel when the Angel is lynched, they will also die. If the Angel has not selected a target, or the selected target did not vote for and did not apply any invisible votes on the Angel, a random player who did vote for the Angel will die instead. The cause of their death is announced.
If the Angel is lynched by unusual means (e.g. by the invisible Stalker votes or the Executioner selecting them) the player responsible for this will die with the Angel in place of the chosen target. If nobody except the Angel has voted for the Angel, the Angel dies and does not win.
The Angel may change their target once per phase, with 1 emergency change to be used whenever the Angel wants to. The Angel cannot select themself. Targetting a player is an immediate effect. The Angel may choose to target nobody.
The Angel is nonaligned.

**Chef** | Unaligned Killing
Each night, the Chef can choose a restaurant customer to send either charmed or poisoned food to. Eating charmed food confers attack invulnerability: eating poisoned food kills the restaurant customer. The Chef wins if they are alive at the end of the game, and at least one of their waiters remains.
At the beginning of each day, the restaurant customer chosen by the Chef is added to the restaurant channel, in which the Chef can anonymously communicate with them, and offered the opportunity to eat the food. The restaurant customer is not told the type of food they have been sent. If the restaurant customer eats poisoned food, they are *killed* at the end of the following night. If they eat charmed food, they are invulnerable from night attacks during the following night phase only.
Selecting a restaurant customer and sending food are start-day abilities. Eating food is an end-day ability.
If the Chef dies during the day, the customer is immediately removed from the restaurant, and loses the opportunity to eat the food.
Once a customer has eaten food, they can no longer be sent food.
Each game has a certain amount of players that are "waiters” - one from the townsfolk team, one from the werewolf team, and one from each solo team. Waiters do not know that they are waiters, and their status as a waiter does not impact their abilities or win condition. The Chef wins if they and at least one waiter are alive when the game ends. The Chef is able to win with any team, even if that team's win condition is to kill all others.
If a new solo team is created during the game, they do not gain a waiter. If a waiter is recruited onto a team which already has another waiter, neither player loses their waiter status.
When the last waiter dies, the Chef stops playing, descends and loses.
The Chef may not select themself as customer.
The Chef is not affected by redirections.
The Chef is nonaligned.


Unaligned Align

'Unaligned Align' are those unaligned roles that can develop alignments without being converted or recruited.

**Cat** | Unaligned Align
During Night 1, the Cat will become the counter-role to that which the dog has chosen.
If the dog chooses fortune teller, the Cat will turn into warlock, and vice versa. The dog choosing rival will turn the Cat into an opposing rival. If the dog changed role before choosing a role, the Cat will become fortune teller at the end of night 1.
Changing role is an immediate consequence of the dog choosing. A Cat which becomes a fortune teller or a warlock may not use that role's investigation during Night 1.
For each Cat in the game, there must be a corresponding dog. Neither player will know their counterpart.
The Cat is strongly disguised as Cat: this will persist despite any role changes.
The Cat is nonaligned until it changes role.

**Dog** | Unaligned Align
During Night 1, the Dog must choose to immediately become either a fortune teller, a warlock, or a specific unaligned role.
Choosing a role is an immediate ability. If the Dog hasn’t chosen a role before the night ends, they will become a Fortune Teller.
If there is a cat corresponding to the Dog, the unaligned role the Dog may become is rival - otherwise, it is psychopath.
A Dog which becomes a fortune teller or a warlock may not use that role's investigation during Night 1.
The Dog is strongly disguised as Dog: this persists despite role changes.
The Dog is nonaligned until it changes role.

Grave Robber
**Grave Robber** | Unaligned Align | Limited
The night after a player dies from a lynch, the Grave Robber may take their role and play as it for the rest of the game.
The Grave Robber may take the role of a dead player who was lynched in any way the night immediately after. When the Grave Robber takes a role, they receive a new copy of the role and may/must execute any starting abilities necessary for the role. Copying a role is an immediate ability.
If several players died from lynches during the day, the Grave Robber may pick one of them.
Additionally, they are strongly disguised as a Grave Robber for the duration of the game, even if they change role.
The Grave Robber cannot win without copying a role.


Unaligned Align - Cupid

'Unaligned Align - Cupid' roles are a subcategory of the unaligned align roles. The only Cupid that can exist at the start of the game is the plain Cupid. Cupids are considered a part of the Unaligned Align category, but are listed separately to avoid confusion.
All Cupids can never change roles except to other Cupid variants. Cupids are originally nonaligned, and will acquire the alignment of their lover.

**Cupid** | Unaligned Align
The Cupid chooses one player to be their lover, and forms an inseparable team with that player.
During Night 1, the Cupid must choose one player to become their lover. The Cupid cannot choose itself. If the Cupid does not choose in time, they will fall in love with a random player. The lover is added to the Cupid’s secret channel and the lover's role is revealed to the Cupid.
The Cupid and their lover form an inseparable team; they will die if the other player dies. When this happens it is announced. Choosing a lover is an immediate ability.
The Cupid will always have the same alignment as their lover.
If the Cupid's lover is unaligned they can only win with their lover's win condition.
The Cupid’s love overrides any other mechanic that may cause a player to change teams for any reason; the Cupid is always on the same team as their lover.
After choosing a lover, unless they are also unaligned, the Cupid is no longer unaligned.
If a Cupid couple ends up without a win condition (e.g. two Cupids falling in love with each other), their goal is to survive until the end of the game and win with whatever team remains.
If the Cupid loses their role before selecting a lover, a random lover is chosen immediately.
The Cupid can never change role to anything but another cupid variant (more info in `$info cupid variants`).
If the Cupid's lover is part of a solo team or channel then the Cupid is immune to that team's effects or their consequences (e.g powdering, death by plague, sleepless, etc).
The Cupid is nonaligned unless they gain an alignment from their lover.

Cupid Hag
**Cupid Hag** | Unaligned Align - Coven Team | Limited Transformation
The Cupid Hag is a cupid whose lover is a hag.
If the cupid selects a lover that is a hag or if their lover turns into a hag, the cupid turns into a Cupid Hag, but may lose their role again at a later point.
The Cupid Hag works like the cupid, with several exceptions: The Cupid Hag is strongly disguised as a hag, and can be wronged like any other hag.
If the hags turn into bitter hags, the Cupid Hag joins the bitter hag channel, and shares their win condition.
The Cupid Hag is coven-aligned.

Cupid Wolf
**Cupid Wolf** | Unaligned Align | Transformation
The Cupid Wolf is a cupid that has been infected by the infecting wolf.
If turned into a wolf in any way, the cupid turns into an Cupid Wolf instead.
The Cupid Wolf works like the cupid, with two exceptions: they are part of the wolfpack group and a lycan.
The Cupid Wolf is nonaligned, unless they have gained an alignment from their lover.

Demonic Cupid
**Demonic Cupid** | Solo Miscellaneous - Hell Team | Transformation
The Demonic Cupid is a cupid whose lover is a member of the hell team.
If the cupid selects a lover from the hell team, or if their lover joins the hell team, the cupid turns into a Demonic Cupid.
The Demonic Cupid works like the cupid, with one exception: the Demonic Cupid's alignment is hell.
Once a cupid and their lover have joined the hell team, they cannot betray the team in any way. Any attempts at conversion of a member will fail in some manner.
If the cupid has a soul then it is lost the moment they become a Demonic Cupid. The hell team gains this soul for their pool of souls.

Undead Cupid
**Undead Cupid** | Unaligned Align | Transformation
The Undead Cupid is a cupid that has been demonized and then killed.
Instead of turning into an undead, the cupid turns into an Undead Cupid.
The Undead Cupid works like the cupid, with one exception: they are part of the underworld group.
The Undead Cupid is nonaligned, unless they have gained an alignment from their lover.


Unaligned Align - Hag

'Unaligned Align - Hag' roles are a subcategory of the unaligned align roles. Hags are originally coven-aligned, and acquire alignments when they are wronged. Hags are considered a part of the Unaligned Align category, but are listed separately to avoid confusion.

IMPORTANT: Hags are currently still considered to be limited roles: they are listed here due to technical reasons.

Bitter Hag
**Bitter Hag** | Solo Killing - Coven Team | Limited Transformation
If the hags have been wronged by all remaining teams, they turn into Bitter Hags. The Bitter Hag wins if all remaining players are dead, unaligned, or coven-aligned. The Bitter Hag may use each of the hag spells every night.
When hags become Bitter Hags, they gain a new secret channel with any other Bitter Hags. Each Bitter Hag may protect, investigate and attack a player every night. Any remaining spells prior to becoming Bitter Hag are not preserved.
The spells of the Bitter Hag work like the spells of the cautious, vicious and prophetic hags and are not affected by any disguises, redirections or obstructions.
The Bitter Hag cannot be part of role lists and can only be created by a hag becoming one.
The Bitter Hag is strongly disguised as a Hag.
The Bitter Hag is coven-aligned.

Cautious Hag
**Cautious Hag** | Unaligned Power - Coven Team | Limited
The Cautious Hag can win with any team, unless that team has wronged the coven: however, the Cautious Hag cannot win if the coven has never been wronged.
The Cautious Hag can protect a player and disguise them at the same time.
The Cautious Hag is one of the hags (`$i hags`).
During the night, the Cautious Hag may use any quantity of their spells to protect players. The Cautious Hag may protect themself. This power is not affected by redirections.
Protecting a player is an immediate ability. Protected players will be immune to attacks for the rest of the night. If the protected player is a hag, they can also not be affected by any other action that is counted as “wronging” (e.g. Transformations). Additionally, the protected player will be strongly disguised as a role chosen by the Cautious Hag for the rest of the night.
The Cautious Hag is strongly disguised as a Hag.
The Cautious Hag is coven-aligned.

**Hag** | Unaligned Align | Limited
The Hag will turn into a specific type of hag at the end of the day.
The Hag is one of the hags (`$i hags`).
The hags can win with any team, unless that team has wronged the coven: however, they cannot win if the coven has never been wronged.
At the start of the game, the Hag may discard one hag role (vicious, cautious or prophetic).
At the end of the day, the Hag turns into an undiscarded hag role and becomes the coven-aligned.
The Hag does not have a spell at the start of the game, but gains one once they turn into another hag role.

Prophetic Hag
**Prophetic Hag** | Unaligned Investigative - Coven Team | Limited
The Prophetic Hag can win with any team, unless that team has wronged the coven: however, the Prophetic Hag cannot win if the coven has never been wronged.
The Prophetic Hag can see the current alignment of another player.
The Prophetic Hag is one of the hags (`$i hags`).
During the night, the Prophetic Hag may use any quantity of their spells to see the alignment of other players. This check is not affected by any disguises or redirections.
Checking a player is an immediate ability.
The Prophetic Hag is strongly disguised as a Hag.
The Prophetic Hag is coven-aligned.

Vicious Hag
**Vicious Hag** | Unaligned Killing - Coven Team | Limited
The Vicious Hag can win with any team, unless that team has wronged the coven: however, the Vicious Hag cannot win if the coven has never been wronged.
The Vicious Hag can attack another player.
The Vicious Hag is one of the hags (`$i hags`).
During the night, the Vicious Hag may use any quantity of their spells to attack other players. This power is not affected by redirections.
Attacking a player is an end-night ability.
The Vicious Hag is strongly disguised as a Hag.
The Vicious Hag is coven-aligned.
