
Click a role card for more information!

White Wolves

'White Wolves' is less of a team and more of a group of roles. White Wolves always start out with just themselves on their team, however they pretend to be a werewolf. They win when everyone else, excluding unaligned players, is dead. In rare circumstances (e.g. through copying or rule changes) the white wolves team may contain more than one player.

White Werewolf
**White Werewolf** | Solo Killing - White Wolves
The White Werewolf is a werewolf who is not satisfied with merely killing the townsfolk; they must kill all the werewolves as well.
Every other night, the White Werewolf may attack a member of the wolfpack.
To the werewolves, the White Werewolf will appear to be just another member of the wolfpack. However, it is the White Werewolf’s goal to win the game completely alone; even the other werewolves must die.
Starting with Night 2, the White Werewolf may attack a member of the wolfpack every other night. If they choose not to attack, they will once again have the option to attack in the following night.
Attacking a member of the wolfpack is an end-night ability.
If only werewolves and the White Werewolf are left alive, the game will continue until either all werewolves are dead or the White Werewolf is dead.
The White Werewolf imitates the most common non-WG role in the wolfpack. It is strongly disguised as that role and gains all its abilities. If there are several most common non-WG roles, an arbitrary one is chosen.
If the White Werewolf changes role, the disguise and abilities are lost.
The White Werewolf is not part of the werewolf team, but is still considered a lycan and is part of the wolfpack.



'Flute Team' is the team of the Flute Player. Members of this team win when all players are dead, unaligned, enchanted, or part of the flute team. All members of the team know each other.

Flute Apprentice
**Flute Apprentice** | Solo Miscellaneous - Flute Team
The Flute Apprentice is a Flute Player that can’t enchant other players; instead, they can become the Flute Player if no Flute Players remain. Additionally, the Flute Apprentice can redirect the abilities of enchanted and charmed players.
The Flute Apprentice may target a player. They can update this target once per phase, with 1 emergency change to be used whenever the Flute Apprentice wants. The Flute Apprentice may choose to target nobody, which will stop their power from being used.
If any player that is enchanted or charmed uses an ability on the Flute Apprentice, the ability is instead redirected onto the Flute Apprentice's target. The original player is not informed about this, but the Flute Apprentice is informed that an ability was redirected.
If no Flute Players remain, the Flute Apprentice turns into a Flute Player and loses their redirection power.

Flute Charmer
**Flute Charmer** | Solo Investigative - Flute Team
The Flute Charmer is a flute player that can’t enchant other players; instead, they have the ability to charm one player each day, learning their role and disguising them as flute player. The Flute Charmer becomes a flute player if The Flute Charmer becomes a flute player if no other flute team roles remain..
During the day, the Flute Charmer may charm a player, the charmed player is not informed about this. This action is immediate.
Successfully charming a player will tell the Flute Charmer their targets role, and weakly disguise them as flute player afterwards. This result is affected by all disguises and redirections.
This effect (including the disguise) will disappear once no members of the flute player channel or team remain. The players are not told when the effect disappears.
When a player is both charmed and enchanted, the charmed status and disguise is removed.
The Flute Charmer can target themself or other members of the flute team.
If no other flute team roles remain, the Flute Charmer turns into a flute player and loses their current powers.

Flute Player
**Flute Player** | Solo Power - Flute Team
Each night, the Flute Player may enchant a certain amount of players.
If all living players are either enchanted, unaligned or Flute team/channel members, the Flute team wins.
Whenever a player is enchanted, they will immediately join a secret channel with the other enchanted players, but without the Flute Player(s).
The Flute Player(s) may see everything said in this channel, from the safety of their own secret channel.
If an enchanted player uses a role investigation, they will have a 60% chance that the player is displayed as a Flute Player, and a 40% chance for the inspection to happen normally, whenever they attempt to inspect a player.
This effect will disappear once no members of the Flute Player channel or team remain. The players remain enchanted, but their investigations are no longer obstructed.

The Flute Player is able to enchant 1 player for every ten players in the game (rounded). They may not enchant a member of the Flute team or channel.
If there is more than one player in the Flute Player channel (not counting Flute Apprentices), each Flute Player will only be able to enchant 1 player for every twenty players in the game (rounded).
The amount of players used is the amount of players that are part of the game, not the alive players.

If there are multiple Flute Players, then they are one team, and they will work together.
If a Flute Player loses their role, they will lose their ability to enchant players. Role changes are not revealed to the other Flute Players.
It is never revealed to the Flute Players how many or which players have been enchanted.



'Hell Team' is the team of the Devil. Hell Team wins when all players are either dead, unaligned, soulless or part of the Hell team. All members of the team know each other and can never betray each other.

**Demon** | Solo Killing - Hell Team
The Demon wins with the devil. It joins a channel with the devil to communicate securely.
The Demon can use the hell team's soul pool.
During the first phase, the Demon may choose a role as a weak disguise. This defaults to citizen.

At the start of the game, the Demon's soul is added to the hell team's soul pool. The Demon then becomes soulless.
The Demon may use souls from the pool to protect or attack a player.
If the Demon is attacked while a soul is in the pool, a soul will automatically be used to protect the Demon.
See `$info souls` for a detailed explanation.

Members of the Hell team cannot betray the team in any way. Any attempts at conversion or recruitment of a member will fail in some manner.

**Devil** | Solo Killing - Hell Team
Each day, the Devil may choose one player to send the wager to. The wager recipient may choose one of four options.
The Devil can use the hell team's pool of souls.
When everyone is dead, unaligned, or soulless, the Devil wins.
During the first phase, the Devil may choose a role as a weak disguise. This defaults to citizen.

At the start of the game, the Devil's soul is added to the hell team's soul pool. The Devil then becomes soulless.
The Devil may use souls from the pool to protect or attack somebody. If the Devil is attacked while a soul is in the pool, a soul will automatically be used to protect the Devil.
See `$info souls` for a detailed explanation.

The wager is sent at the start of the night. The wager cannot be sent to a soulles player or redirected.
During the night, the Devil can anonymously communicate with the wager recipient.
The wager recipient may sell their soul to protect or kill a player; they may choose to investigate the role of a player, at the cost of the devil learning the Wager Recipient's own role; or they may do nothing. The result of a wager investigation is visible to both the wager recipient and the Devil.
If a player sells their soul, a soul is added to the hell team's soul pool. The player then becomes soulless.
See `$info wager` for a detailed explanation.

Members of the Hell team cannot betray the team in any way. Any attempts at conversion or recruitment of a member will fail in some manner.

**Souls** | Additional Info - Hell Team
Members of the hell team that can use Souls - soul users - may use a Soul to protect someone from all attacks for the current night. If used in this way during a day phase, the player will be protected during the following night phase.
Using a Soul to protect a player is an immediate effect.

Soul users may use a Soul to attack a player. The player will be attacked immediately. If the attacked player is soulless or a part of the hell team, the attack fails. The method of their death is not revealed (except to coroners).
This ability may be used during both day and night phases.

If a soul user is attacked during the night and there is a soul in the pool, the soul user will be protected and a soul will be used up automatically. A soul is used up for every attack against a soul user.
If several soul users are attacked at simultaneously and not enough souls remain in the pool to protect from each attack, the devil has priority of protection. If any souls remain in the pool after this, subsequent protections occur in random order.
When souls are used in an automatic protection, all members of the hell team are informed of who was attacked.



'Pyro Team' is the team of the Pyromancer. The team wins when all players are dead, unaligned or part of the pyro team. Members of the Pyro Team do not know each other at the start of the game.

**Pyromancer** | Solo Killing - Pyro Team
Each night, the Pyromancer may either powder one player or ignite all currently powdered players.
Each night the Pyromancer may either powder or ignite all currently powdered people.
When a Pyromancer chooses to ignite, all powdered players will be attacked by them. If a powdered player survives the attack, they still remain powdered. If a Pyromancer is powdered and ignited, and thus attacked, the ignition fails and the attacker is informed.
Powdering is an immediate ability, and igniting is an end-night ability.
If the Pyromancer's powdering fails (e.g. because their target is already powdered) they are informed that their powdering failed.
The Pyromancer is a member of the pyro team and channel. The pyro team wins when all other players are dead or unaligned.

**Wisp** | Solo Killing - Pyro Team
The Wisp visits a person each day, igniting them if they are powdered or powdering them if not.
The Wisp may visit one person each day as an *immediate ability*. If the person has been *powdered*, then the Wisp *ignites* the visited person at the *end of the day*. If the Wisp dies or is lynched during the day, the ignition will not occur.
If the visited person is not powdered, the Wisp powders that person. This is an immediate action.
The Wisp is only informed at the *end of the day* whether they *powdered* or *attacked* the person they visited.
The Wisp may not visit themself.
The Wisp is a member of the *pyro* team, but not a member of the *pyro channel*. They do not know the other members of their team.
If the *pyros* ignite the Wisp then the Wisp will be told that they were ignited, but will not be *attacked*. Whoever ignited the Wisp will be informed the name of the player and that they could not be ignited. This message is different from other ways that the ignition could fail.
When no members of the *pyro channel* are alive, the Wisp is *immediately* informed and turns into a *pyromancer*, joining the *pyro channel*.
If several Wisps exist when the last member of the pyro channel dies, all of them turn into *pyromancers* and join the *pyro channel*.

**Firebug** | Solo Killing - Pyro Team | Limited
Each night, the Firebug may ward one player.
When the Firebug wards a player, that player is protected from attacks for the night. Should anyone other than a member of the pyro team try to attack the warded player, the attack backfires, igniting the attacker as well as all powdered players. This is considered an attack executed by the Firebug. If the warded player is not attacked for the entire night, they are powdered at the end of the night.
Warding is an immediate ability.
The Firebug is a member of the pyro team and channel. The pyro team wins when all other players are dead or unaligned.
When the last original Pyromancer dies, the Firebug turns into a Pyromancer.



'Plague Team' is the team of the Plague Bearer. Plague Team wins when all players are either dead, unaligned or part of the Plague team. All members of the team know each other. The Plague Doctor is not a member of the plague team, nor a solo role, they are an Unaligned role instead, but can only be used in games with the plague team.

Plague Bearer
**Plague Bearer** | Solo Killing - Plague Team
The Plague Bearer's disease is lethal and highly contagious. Their desire is to kill off all other players.
The Plague Bearer starts the game with rodents that carry the plague. They have one rodent for every five players in the game (rounded).
If there are several Plague Bearers then they know each other and their rodent counts are combined. Each Plague Bearer may use one rodent per night.
Each night, the Plague Bearer may free one of their rodents to contaminate another player. Contaminated players will be affected by the disease. The Plague Bearer cannot be contaminated.
If the Plague Bearer attempts to contaminate an already contaminated player, they are informed, but the rodent is still used up. Contaminating a player is an immediate ability.
Any player who visits or is visited by a contaminated player immediately becomes contaminated themselves. All types of action (target, attack, investigation, etc) are considered visits.
At the start of the second night after being contaminated, the player is informed that they are contaminated.
At the end of the second night after being contaminated, the player will die. This is not an attack. Should the player still be alive afterwards, they remain contaminated, but will not die due to being contaminated again.
If no members of the plague team or channel remain, all players stop being contaminated: they are not informed of this.
If the Plague Bearer attempts to use a rodent on the Plague Doctor, the attempt fails, the Plague Doctor immediately dies (this is not an attack), and the rodent is *not* used up.

Plague Carrier
**Plague Carrier** | Solo Miscellaneous - Plague Team
The Plague Carrier wins with the plague bearers and joins a channel with them to communicate securely.
The Plague Carrier does not have any special abilities. If somebody tries to copy a plague bearer, a Plague Carrier is created instead.
The Plague Carrier starts out contaminated, but will never die due to the plague.
A plague bearer may not attempt to directly contaminate the Plague Carrier using one of their rodents.
If the last plague bearer dies, and there are rodents left, the Plague Carrier stops being contaminated and becomes a plague bearer.
At the start of every phase, the Plague Carrier is told the amount of living contaminated players.

Plague Doctor
**Plague Doctor** | Unaligned Investigative
The Plague Doctor requires the plague to be eliminated in order to win.
Each night, the Plague Doctor may check a player for symptoms of the plague. They are also capable of curing players during the day.
As soon as the plague is eliminated, the Plague Doctor ascends and wins. The plague is eliminated if these two conditions are met: there are no living contaminated players and there are either no remaining plague bearers or no remaining rodents. The Plague Doctor cannot win whilst dead.
Each night, the Plague Doctor may check a player for symptoms of the plague. The Plague Doctor will immediately be informed if their target has the plague: if the target does, they are also informed of which phase the target contracted it in.
Members of the plague team do not have any symptoms and will *never* show up as having the plague.
The Plague Doctor starts off with vials that can cure the plague. They have one vial for every five players in the game (rounded).
Each day, the Plague Doctor may choose to use one of their vials to immediately cure a player. Cured players stop being contaminated: they will not be informed of this. Players who have been cured can become contaminated again.
The Plague Doctor cannot be contaminated. If the plague bearer attempts to contaminate the Plague Doctor with one of their rodents, the Plague Doctor immediately dies - this is not an attack. Visits from contaminated players do not cause the Plague Doctor to become contaminated.
The Plague Doctor is nonaligned.



'Underworld Team' is the team of the Vampire. Underworld Team wins when all players are dead, unaligned or part of the team. Members of the team know each other.

**Undead** | Solo Miscellaneous - Underworld Team | Transformation
The Undead is a part of the vampire’s secret army and pretends to be their old role. If a demonized player is killed during the night, they will not die, and will instead lose their original role and become an Undead.
The Undead wins together with the vampire.
A player converted into an Undead loses their previous role. However, if they were a member of a group channel, they will remain as such and will still be able to vote if applicable (though their vote will not count).
If all members of a group have changed role or died, the group is disbanded and any abilities it may have had are lost.

**Vampire** | Solo Power - Underworld Team
The Vampire wins by secretly turning all the living players into undead.
The Vampire demonizes players; if a demonized player is killed in the night, they will instead turn into an undead.
Each night, the Vampire may demonize one player. On even numbered nights, the Vampire may demonize a second player. The player will not know they have been demonised. Vampires cannot demonize themselves or other members of the underworld.
When a demonized player is killed in the night, they will turn into an undead. The Vampire wins the game, along with the undead, if all players are either Vampire, dead or undead.
Demonizing a player is an immediate ability.
If there are several Vampires, they work together.
If no members of the underworld channel remain, all demonized players are no longer demonized.



'Horsemen Team' is the team of the Horsemen. The Horsemen win when all players are either dead, unaligned or part of the Horsemen team. Members of the Horsemen Team do not know each other at the start of the game.

Apocalyptic Horseman
**Apocalyptic Horseman** | Solo Killing - Horsemen Team | Transformation
At night, the Apocalyptic Horseman cannot be killed. Each night, the Apocalyptic Horseman may attack a player. The Horsemen win when everyone else is dead.
When all remaining Horsemen are united and all remaining players doomed, Doomsday is unleashed, and all Horsemen turn into an Apocalyptic Horseman.
Apocalyptic Horseman cannot be killed in any way during the night. Attacking a player is an end-night ability.
The Apocalyptic Horseman may not kill another player, if they have already attempted to doom somebody in the same night.

**Horseman** | Solo Miscellaneous - Horsemen Team
At the end of Day 0, the Horseman becomes one of the other Horseman roles.
The Horseman can not immediately become an Apocalyptic Horseman.
Each Horseman can doom one or several player(s) every night, the effect and amount of which depends on the type of Horseman.
For more information, check `$i doom`.
The Horsemen win when everyone else is dead.

Horseman Of Death
**Horseman of Death** | Solo Killing - Horsemen Team
Each night, the Horseman of Death may doom a player. The Horseman marks the player, and they will die at the end of the following night.
Dooming a player is an immediate effect. Players doomed by the Horseman of Death will die at the end of the next night (this is not an attack).
For more information, check `$i doom`.
The Horsemen win when everyone else is dead.

Horseman Of Famine
**Horseman of Famine** | Solo Power - Horsemen Team
Each night, the Horseman of Famine may doom two players. Doomed by the Horseman of Famine, they are starved, becoming unrecognizable. Instead, they will permanently be seen as a horseman role.
Dooming a player is an immediate effect. Players doomed by the Horseman of Famine will be permanently and strongly disguised as an arbitrary in-play Horseman role (one that existed when Night 1 starts).
For more information, check `$i doom`.
The Horsemen win when everyone else is dead.

Horseman Of Pestilence
**Horseman of Pestilence** | Solo Power - Horsemen Team
Each night, the Horseman of Pestilence may doom a player. Too sick to act, any attempt of that player to use an ability during the following day and night will fail.
Dooming a player is an immediate effect. For the following day and night, any attempts to use an active ability will fail for that player, as they will be *ability blocked*.
For more information, check `$i doom`.
The Horsemen win when everyone else is dead.

Horseman Of War
**Horseman of War** | Solo Power - Horsemen Team
Each night, the Horseman of War may doom two players. There is no time for elections whilst war is raging: during the next day they will lose their vote and cannot be elected.
Dooming a player is an immediate effect. The public vote of players doomed by the Horseman of War will have a voting power of 0 during the day after their dooming, and should they win the election poll, the election fails and nobody is elected.
For more information check `$i doom`.
The Horsemen win when everyone else is dead.



Limited roles are roles we are still working out and that have not been fully tested yet. When a limited role is used in a game it is always announced in the role list, even if the role list reveals no info besides the limited roles.
Limited roles may be changed mid-game if we notice a major issue with a role.

Click a role card for more information!